Sunday, October 01, 2006
a beautiful story
The FOREVER FAMILY / Finally home: A white gay couple wanting a family. Five children of color needing a home. A San Francisco church seeking a minister. Done.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
all part of letting go
i also see the need to let go slightly when they're with some of the neighborhood kids that have started to befriend them. these kids are a couple of years older so we've had to establish some guidelines and rules. today i told them not to just invite friends over without first asking permission from papa or daddy and to also ask permission to go over a friend's house. though they're only 5, i can see in the years to come the balancing act of letting go and wanting to know where they're at and what they're doing and with whom. some of the minute points of parenting that i never considered.
today a 7 year old friend was over from across the street playing with the kids in our family room. when i walked in the 3 of them were playing on my elliptical trainer, something my kids know is not a toy. i had told the neighbor the last time he was over doing the same thing that it wasn't a toy. so i had to be what felt like the "mean neighborhood dad" and tell him "i told you before that's not a toy." later, the shock of who i've become at 46 brought me back to when i was at my best friend's house in 4th grade and for some reason had the urge to look through his dad's playboy magazines, which i have to add he left right on the coffee table in plain sight. when i got caught i was banished from his home! looking back, who was more to blame, the 9 year old for his curiosity or the 30 something for displaying his girlie mags in the living room? and more importantly... how do i not become him.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
the funniest things
april 2005 (3 years old) - my niece brought over some pumpkin pie for us. the next day i was having lunch with the kids when the doorbell rang. it was the mailman asking me to sign for a letter. my daughter, always the inquisitor, asked if that was the mailman and i said yes, then i took out a piece of pie for dessert and she asked what it was. i told her it was pie. she asked where it came from. i told her someone brought it for me. she then thought for a moment and asked "the mailman?"
may 2005 (3 years old) - when i asked my daughter to identify a picture of a horse she knew what it was. i then pointed to the saddle and asked her what that was. she thought a minute and asked "a seatbelt?"
june 2005 (3 years old) - i was reading with the kids last night and we came to a picture of an elephant with his trunk in a pool of water. my daughter asked what he was doing and i told her he was drinking water, that elephants drink water through their trunks. she came back quickly with "i drink from the fountain!"
july 2005 (3 years old) - my son was upset with something my daughter did and quickly told her "i don't like that, i'm not going to be your sister anymore!"
october 2005 (4 years old) - i took the kids grocery shopping and on the way out the clerk said "bye." so i asked the kids to say goodbye. my daughter said "goodbye" and my son said "don't pee your pants."
october 2005 - my son's pet name for his sister is "pom-pom" because of her hairstyle.
november 2005 - i though i heard my son ask "papa, can i put a bug in my ear?" what he was trying to ask was "can i wear buzz lightyear?"...his light up sneakers.
june 2006 - i'm home with the kids for the weekend, my partner's at work. my son's on the potty and i hear him say to me "papa, i'm done, i wiped my vagina and my bum." which he hears his sister say often. his sister is in a room nearby and tells him quickly "you don't have a vagina!" i tell this story at dinner that night and the four of us can't stop laughing for 5 minutes. (note: we decided early on based on dr. phil's advice to use the anatomically correct names for penis and vagina)
june 2006 - my daughter was singing a song while i was doing her hair, something about "chicken little's alligator underpants." sounds like she and her brother learned it in school, but she and her brother keep changing the words each time they sing it to see who can make each other laugh more.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
simple answer to a difficult question
the twins were in full time daycare this summer for 5 weeks with kids from kindergarten through eight grade. one of the teachers told me that some of the other kids had begun to notice that our family had 2 dads and were asking about it. she wanted to know what our response was. i explained to her about the situation i encountered in preschool. she asked if we had thought about how we would deal with other situations as the kids got older, expressing that other kids can be mean. i didn't have an answer for her or my family. i grew up with kids making fun of me, as lots of kids do. how do i prepare my kids for potential hatred and ignorance of other kids? is it through honesty? confrontation? ambivalence? my son is very sensitive and emotional, he still cries when he can't get his jacket on. how do we teach him? i told the daycare teacher that we'd cross that bridge when we came to it. my hope is that we can deal with it as a family, open and honest. can they still hate us for that?
Friday, September 01, 2006
catching up

it's been many months and i keep thinking about writing but always feel bad that i started from the beginning and only got through to our first holidays... and now it's well after our second holidays together, and several family vacations, and preschool, pre-K and this week began kindergarten... and the twins turned 5 just two weeks ago. hard to grasp at times that they were only 2 years old when we met, and now 5! no longer babies but big kids.
we're coming up on fall with school having just begun. they started late since we were on vacation, visiting east coast families once again this year. seeing all of their east coast aunts and uncles and cousins and their only grandparents (my parents are both gone now). celebrating their fifth birthday over and over again! we had to buy an extra suitcase just to carry home all the loot. they went to their first wedding and had a blast. and everyone had such great words of praise for us and them, seeing the big changes in their behavior since last year's visits and telling us how well-behaved they were (we wonder whose kids they're referring to at times, i guess we see them 24/7 and know when they're acting up). my partner and i do have very similar views on discipline and acceptable behavior. one of the first values we tried to instill was manners, please, thank you, no thank you... and two years later we still have to enforce it at times. but i feel so proud when i hear one of them say please or thank you all on their own to others. i read something online a few months back (i'm a voracious reader of anything child rearing related, if i can learn one thing i didn't know i haven't wasted my time) it said that "we hold their hearts in our hands." that left an impression on me. i only wish i could remember it more when they're dawdling and temperamental and tired or talking back or arguing with me... constantly trying to be a better parent. i guess by the time you get it right they're off to college.
Thursday, March 02, 2006
first holidays
the kids began speech classes in october too. they had been tested the month before and they were only developmentally behind in speech. they started classes once a week through the school district. we had to drop off and pick them up before they went to preschool.
in november we signed the pre-adoption paperwork. the social worker wanted to get a head start due to the upcoming holiday slowdown. the kids had to live with us as foster children for 6 months before the adoption process could begin. that wouldn’t be until january of 2005, when the court date could be scheduled. i used one of our thanksgiving photos to design our holiday card. i wanted all 4 of us to be in it. i did the same thing again thanksgiving 2005 for our last holiday card. my partner thinks it should just be the kids but i always liked receiving cards that include the entire family, after all, our family isn’t just the kids.
our first christmas together was overwhelming. we weren’t sure what the kids knew about christmas and santa or what their past christmases had been like. we bought a video camera to tape the big day. we went overboard too, much like their first birthday with us. presents spilled over the floor. we wrapped so many that by the end we just decided to leave some unwrapped. we used different paper for each of them and they took turns opening. but much like their birthday, they would get very absorbed in one present and not want to open any more. halfway through our son would almost ignore clothes that he got in favor of more fun stuff.
i often wonder what it would be like if we got them when they were just babies. how they would be different. they, like so many children, are so resilient, so happy despite what life has dealt them. sure they have their moments, but don’t we all, no matter who raised us or what kind of job they did.
birth mother
before the birth mother’s rights were due to be terminated in september she was allowed a visit with the kids. she had only visited them once in their 13 months in foster care. she had monthly visits scheduled but missed them. we brought the kids for a meeting with her in the summer but she arrived so late that we had already been instructed to take the kids home. the county workers felt she should be allowed her one visit so that the court would not decide to mandate it before her termination hearing. i had already gone back to work so my partner took them for the visit. the worker waited until the mother arrived before calling him to make the trip. during the visit he brought a camera for photos to be taken. we wanted to keep them for later in life to show our kids their birth mother. my partner was very nervous. the social worker almost called off the meeting when our son went limp and didn’t want to be held by his birth mother. he calmed down and both kids played in the room with her while being supervised by the social worker. my partner waited outside. when the visit was over the kids were very confused. they didn’t want to go to my partner and cried when they were placed in their car seats. they calmed down after about half an hour but for the next few days we saw their behavior regress, crying and acting out. the social worker made note of their behavior for the court documents. a few weeks later we were on pins and needles until we got the call that the mother’s rights had been terminated.
we needed to find a preschool for september, when we would both be back at work. the public schools would overlook the waiting list because the kids were foster children but wouldn’t take 3 year olds that weren’t potty trained. our daughter had already begun potty training at her last foster home. she had a few accidents at our house but quickly got back on track with lots or praise from us. i read anything i can get my eyes on about raising kids… online, magazines, books, other parents, anything… so we first began giving candy as a prize for going potty but soon read that praising the child is better, and they’re not equating sweets with success. so she moved from diapers quickly, during the day. our son was a different animal, as we had heard that boys are! it took a long time for him to “get it.” one thing that helped both kids was the potty power dvd. it was recommended and the kids love it. now that they’ve outgrown it i’ve passed it along to a friend. so we had to stop looking for public pre-schools and look at private ones. luckily, we found a great school that would potty train our son when he was ready, and they had 2 openings for september. my partner took them to preschool the week before they started for a few hours each day, to get accustomed to the teachers, rules and surroundings. we thought it best to have them in separate, adjoining classrooms since our daughter seemed to help her brother a lot. we wanted him to gain his own sense of self and independence.
they both liked school very much. we usually took turns dropping them off at about 8:30 and picking them up around 5. it took our daughter a little while to get used to eating all her lunch and taking her naps (she thought she’d miss something). she also had a problem realizing that all the toys or snacks weren’t just for her. she would sweep everything up in her arms so no one else could have any. she would also eat food off the floor. all habits she overcame in time. our son had to go back to wearing pull ups. his potty training was improving but he wouldn’t tell anyone he had to go. sometimes he’d just go in his pants on the playground and continue playing, other times teachers would find him at the toilet with his pants down after he’d already gone in his pants. around that time I began trimming his hair too. he usually cried. we bought professional clippers but the vibration seemed to bother (or annoy) him. he’s much better now and loves the attention when anyone notices his new haircut! around this time they had their first field trip with school. we both took the day off to attend the trip to a local fire station. pictures we have are a bit strange. the kids look almost apprehensive. we don’t know what was going on in their minds but thought that maybe they thought it was another adoption picnic. they hated waiting in line to sit in the fire engine and our son had several time outs while we were there.
we found that we missed them during the day while we where at work and they were at preschool. we had a special photo book made of their birthday party that they took to school for sharing day. the teachers told us they loved showing the other kids. they had great teachers too, though our daughter’s teacher was in her first year and very lenient. she got firmer as time went on. our daughter will try to get away with as much as she can, so a firm example works best for her. she is a magnet to creative projects and tends to wear them well! so many times she had changed clothes at school because of water play, or she would be covered in paint or marker. our son’s teacher was a 12 year veteran. she was perfect for him. and he loved her. sadly she left mid-year. but he did find another favorite teacher, who was the co-teacher of his class. he’s always been great at circle time, he loves to listen to stories and participate. he’ll also play endlessly with trains or cars or plastic animals. learning to share them with schoolmates was his issue to overcome.
we were really pleased with our school choice. our relatives loved it too when they visited. and the kid’s social worker was very happy with their progress on her visits to school and discussions with their teachers.
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
big 3
I almost starting crying when everyone was singing “happy birthday” to my babies – you two are the most important people in daddy’s and my life and we are so happy to have such beautiful, wonderful children.
we wanted to celebrate “the big 3” for 3 important reasons: 1) our new family, 2) our newly renovated home and 3) most important of all, the kid’s 3rd birthday. we had 37 guests and so many presents. the kids were so absorbed with the first gift they opened that it was difficult to get them to open any more. so we finally began opening them! our daughter looked like a princess in her long white dress and new shoes. and I received several compliments on how nice her hair turned out. the kid’s social worker was thrilled with the turnout and the love and support we have from friends, family and neighbors. our daughter’s favorite gift was her “first purse.” she played with it all day, especially because it had a fake cell phone. she was frantic the next day when she lost the phone; we had to search the entire house to find it. our son was dressed in new clothes too. his favorite toy was a farmer’s tractor.
we had the food catered and rented tables and chairs and bought 100 balloons! everyone had a great time. we only scheduled 3 hours, even that was stretching their attention span. it was fun and fulfilling to show off “our” kids. to share with our friends and families what we had done and to see how beautiful they were. we’ve already celebrated their 4th birthday too but we decided to keep it low key, like birthdays we remember growing up… a few friends and family and cake and ice cream. there seems to be a trend with the kid’s classmates to invite the entire class and celebrate at a children’s gym or farm but we figure we’ll save those parties for later and just enjoy these few birthdays with those close to us nearby.
Sunday, February 26, 2006
sibling visit
our kids have 3 older siblings. one with the same birth father, all with the same birth mother. their older half-sister and half-brother had only seen them once since they entered into foster care. we hoped to keep them in our kid’s lives. in august of 2004 they were 14 and 13 and living in the same foster home only half an hour away. we invited them and their foster mom over to meet. even though they hadn’t seen each other much the bond was obvious. we think being with her sister reminded our daughter of her mother. they brought early birthday presents and we all went to lunch nearby. the older kids took turns pushing the double stroller and feeding their younger siblings. we made a photo album for them and let them put the twins in for their afternoon nap. our daughter and her sister cried at having to say goodbye. we promised to see them again and realized that even though they’re not together, they’ll always be family, no matter where they live or how much time goes by.
we saw them again soon on a trip to the zoo together. since then they’ve been split up into separate foster homes. we saw their sister last summer but couldn’t arrange to see their brother at the same time. we keep their picture on our kid’s dresser and remind them of all their siblings, including their brother that moved far away that they haven’t seen in 4 years. when they were little they’d say goodnight to the photo each night before bed.
Saturday, February 25, 2006
honeymoon is over
during that first summer we would hold the kids in our arms before bed and sing “twinkle, twinkle” to them before putting them down for sleep. we were all adjusting to each other, learning what foods they liked, what their personalities were like. we also had two gentle, medium size dogs that share our home. we knew from the last foster mom that the kids were very nervous of any dogs so we took it very slow. the dogs stayed in their pen and we let the kids control the situation, it took time but eventually they overcame their fear, with us nearby, and began to get closer to the pen. once when we were all at the grocery together we each had a kid in the shopping cart. our daughter kept asking where her brother was and our son would cry if he didn’t see his sister. we began 3 minute time outs for unacceptable behavior. at first there were so many it seemed like they weren’t working but after a while they began to understand, at least our daughter did. our son was slower to realize. our daughter didn’t like to hear “no” and our son would get upset over what seemed to be small things to us but were monumental to him, like forgetting his hat or wanting to change or even check his diaper. when we said “i love you” to our daughter she would reply by saying “i love me.”
our son’s hair was growing longer that summer and we here hesitant about cutting it. we wanted to do it ourselves and heard from the last family that he did not like having his hair cut. we tag teamed and kept lots of m&ms handy the first time. after the first few weeks we saw the kids begin to test their boundaries, acting up and having tantrums. they couldn’t communicate being tired or hungry so we had to go on our best guess. we were used to eating at restaurants several times a week so we tried to still frequent them. it took the kids lots of time outs outside of the restaurants to modify their behavior. and we learned to modify ours as well… we would order for them immediately and keep them busy until their food arrived. we had to limit them to one crayon each or we’d be picking them up off the floor for the entire meal and balloons were out of the question, they would both fight over them and our son didn’t like them tied around his wrist but would cry when he let them go and they flew away. we learned to keep a united front and have mostly always agreed on our expectations and parental styles. both kids would cry for attention or because it seemed to work for their sibling. we realized quickly that it was best to keep to the same routine and schedule. we also enjoyed hearing the kids laugh and giggle together, they are so close, which is why they can be best friends but also get on each other’s nerves. our daughter would make us all laugh, both accidentally and on purpose. she was always the one whose sippy cup would squirt her in the face. we saw their verbal skills greatly improve that summer as well. they had a special language that twins have that we could only understand a word or two of. when our daughter began to comprehend more I would have her translate to her brother. I could make out only a few words.
one of the first things we wanted to instill was manners. we were both been brought up in families where they were important. our son had a terrible habit of burping loudly and seemed to be very proud of it. he probably learned the behavior at one of their foster homes. it took a good six weeks before we could get him to say excuse me. we learned that if we ignored his behavior and showed lots of praise when he did excuse himself that he eventually said it on his own.
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
bonding leave

my bonding leave began at the beginning of july, 2004 and lasted 7 weeks. i could have taken 12 weeks but needed to be back for a project. luckily, i was paid 50% salary, a practice that had just begun that year. my partner took 3 weeks vacation after my leave so the kids had 10 weeks of transition to their new home and parents. it was the most fun and work i’d ever done... spending the day with twins on the verge of turning 3. it was summer so we spent lots of time outdoors. we received a small wading pool for a gift. they loved it. i lost 13 pounds just from pushing the stroller for an hour a day for seven weeks! we roamed around the nearby neighborhoods. i taught them their colors by finding them on our walks, we saw birds and dogs and cats and babies and flowers and buses. i let then feel pinecones and leaves and flowers. i wanted them to sense everything. my first trip to a nearby park was scary. i had to keep my eyes on the two of them and in order for me to keep them playing together i had to join them on the play equipment, so i had fun too. i helped them climb and overcome fears and praised them when they made their way independent of me. they were hesitant to venture. we weren’t sure if it was their age or their background, probably some of both. during the transition we took them to a kid’s play park and they weren’t interested in any of the small rides or even the toddler swings.
each afternoon they’d take a nap, they were always so good about sleeping. even now that they’re 4 and a half they stay in bed in the morning until we come in, even though they're awake. we’ve tried to teach them to get up at night if they have to go potty but so far our daughter is such a sound sleeper that she sometimes just wets the bed. and our son’s potty training has been slow (more later) so he sleeps at night with training pants on. during their naptime i’d catch up on my stuff, or their stuff… we had to find a preschool for september and a pediatrician. i also spoke to one of the dads of the kid’s next oldest brother, whose family was the first long-term placement for the twins. he had lots of great advice about discipline methods, time outs, the state foster care system, similarities between the kids. for instance, our son would rock himself to sleep, bumping his head on the crib, so we put a bumper on the crib for him. their older brother still did the same thing at age 4. i did some research and found that babies will rock to comfort themselves but the behavior usually stops by age 2. our son was almost 3. he has since outgrown it completely.
also during this time we had monthly visits from the kid’s social worker and a visit from the court appointed lawyer for the case. our visits with each always went smoothly but still made us slightly nervous. the lawyer had to check to ensure that we had enough milk in the fridge, among other things. she needed to know that the kids were eating properly. there was also a death in the family during those first few weeks so many of my relatives flew out from the east coast. they got their first chance to meet the kids… and they brought presents and shared some outgrown clothing with us. the kids were so wired from all the excitement that it took much longer to get them to go to sleep that night. one of my nieces has 3 boys so she and our son grew quickly attached. we’ve since learned that he has that effect on the ladies and he uses it to his advantage… until he learns, as with his teachers, that it doesn’t work for him.
all in all, bonding leave was such a great time for me and totally overwhelming as well… learning to juggle a family in 7 weeks. as it drew to a close we celebrated the twin’s 3rd birthday with a big bash. I went back to work only half there, with my mind wondering what they were doing each hour of the day with daddy. which is a good time to point out that my partner and I decided somewhere through the initial transition period that he would be daddy and i’d be papa.
Friday, February 17, 2006
first night
the transition
it was on one of these afternoon trips in the car, with the kids in the back, that we first realized how lucky we were that they found us and that we found them, that we they were our family and we were meant to be together.
the call
adoption picnic
Thursday, February 16, 2006
until we meet them
we were assigned a social worker after our training was completed. we were the first gay male couple that she had worked with so at our first meeting in our home i asked about her thoughts toward gay men as parents. we had been told that some social workers bring their own beliefs to the job and might not try to find placements for us. we relaxed when she told us that it didn't matter whom children were raised by, only that they be raised in a loving, caring home. we were, of course, nervous when she visited us for our "home visits" but we quickly learned to like her and feel as ease. we completed all our paperwork in record time and were licensed foster parents by the end or march 2004. our only wait was for the social worker to complete our "home study," basically a short story of who we are and what type of placements we were looking for. we decided that if we were open to sibling groups and children ranging in age from newborn to 10 years old. this would allow more placement options, then we could then decide about each individually. we had to think about what type of delays we would be able to handle. we toyed with the idea of one of us staying at home but later found that impossible.
how it began
who we are

we've known each other for nearly 20 years. we always wanted a family, both being from big, loving families. i'm the youngest of 6, from a large italian-american family... grew up with lots of extended family, nieces, nephews, cousins, etc. my partner (and let me just say that the word partner doesn't fit our relationship at all, he's my husband, though we'll just have to wait for the rest of society to get it) is from a smaller close-knit family. we live in northern
Monday, February 13, 2006
welcome to my blog. i hope to tell a story about our family and how we came to be. we're two men raising twins.